
Sunday 9.30am

First and Third Sundays of the Month

A relaxed traditional Communion Service.
A mix of traditional and contemporary music.

Second of Fourth Sundays of the Month

A simple service of Morning Prayer

Children are welcome and have we have tea and coffee after the service.

Services are streamed live on our YouTube Channel

daily prayer – 9am

Monday to Wednesday we join together in person for morning prayer. On Thursday join us at 10pm with our friends at St John’s Greenlands.

These simple services follow the form of prayer provided by the Daily Prayer app. If you cannot join us the service is streamed by the national church.

Weddings & Baptisms

If you are looking to get married, need your wedding banns reading or have a child christened (or baptized) contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

If your question is not answered here do contact us.

Do you have to book?

All are welcome at our services. Don’t worry if you’ve never been before we will guide you along and we will not embarrass you.

What is Holy communion?

In communion services we remember the last meal Jesus had with his followers, sometimes called the “last support.

Committed Christians share in bread and wine. Some people receive a blessing until they choose to receive the bread and wine.

Does it cost anything?

There is no fee to attend our Sunday services. We take up a collection to help fund the work of the church but this is not compulsory.

There are statutory fees for weddings.

How can I find out more about Christianity?

Come to a service and talk to us.

You might also sign up for Alpha – this gives to chance to think about Christian faith and what it means in a informal setting.

Can I come to church at other times?

St Stephen’s is open, during the week.

Monday to Friday 10am – 2pm