Our Team

Revd Canon Paul Lawlor -Priest-in-Charge of the Redditch Holy Trinity Team and Area Dean of Redditch and Bromsgrove. Paul is also the Town Centre Chaplain.

Paul also has oversight of St John’s Greenlands.

Revd Sarah Jayne Hewitt -Sarah Jayne is training and developing Pioneering Ministry based in Redditch and working with St Philip’s Webheath and St Bartholomew’s Taredebigge.

Elaine Whitfield – Church Warden and acting treasurer. Elaine has a heart for linking with the wider community.

Rhiannon Walpole – Church Warden – Rhiannon with Bethan coordinates Messy Church and our Sunday evening youth group.

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Bethan Craner – Youth Coordinator. Bethan leads our small Youth Group and is part of the Young Bell Ringers

Bethan alongside Rhiannon Walpole helps to coordinate our Town Centre Messy Church

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Jenny Freeman – Tower Captain – Jenny heads up the Bell Ringing Team and with Sara and Bethan heads up the Young Bell Ringers

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Gail Stone – Admin Support

Other Clergy in the Team

Revd Gail Rogers – Vicar of St Leonard’s Beoley and St Laurence Alvechurch